You find another Elevator to Surface, and this time you can actually open the door. Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC Test Chamber 3 (Advanced) Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC Test Chamber 4 (Advanced) Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC Test Chamber 5 (Advanced) Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC Test Chamber 6 (Advanced) Co-op. Make a ramp on the long platform on the right side of the picture, and make sure to get some gel on the platform above. This is it, you’re encounter with Wheatley, your new arch-nemesis.

We’ll break each stage to the fight down into a screenshot and then a video of the whole fight in action should you need the extra help. Das Spiel ist mit einer kompletten Multiplayer-Kampagne erschienen, die man gemeinsam an einer Konsole oder auch über XBOX Live durchspielen kann. Orange Portals TBD First Person Shooter Orange Portals - Is a copy of Blue portals, but changed design & gaming mechanics, In portal 2 engine, CaROS Is in not all test chambers, Comming soon. Portal Stories: Virus Outbreak (PSVO) is a mod for portal 2 that's continued Aperture Science story.