Fixed a spot in Scuttler’s Shortcut which could not be reached by NPCs.NPCs could get stuck or walk under the mesh in Eyelet Lake.Humanoid non-boss undead enemies can now be staggered.The Two-Handed Sword combo timing has been improved to better the experience using these weapons.Crafting the Set Idol no longer grants a Manifestation of Zeal.Decreased crafting speed of Twine in the player inventory from 1 to 2 seconds.Flawless Vanir Heavy Tasset can now be dyed.Adjusted the cost of several placeables to more accurately reflect their size in comparison to other items of the same type (cages, horns).The crafting cost of cage and large cage has been adjusted.Conan Exiles 1.49 fixed an inconsistency between the color and dye used to craft Warpaint – Accuracy.Placement brushes will no longer remain active if activated before emote.Upgrading altars outside of rendering distance should no longer cause a loss of stability in listen servers.Fixed a network vulnerability in the server code.Fixed a number of exploits regarding item duplication.Fixed an exploit in regards to teleporting using the maproom.Conan Exiles 1.49 fixed additional exploits regarding stacking building pieces.

This feature can be disabled in private servers. Implemented a new feature to validate attribute points spent to prevent possible exploits.Fixed an exploit in regards to Attributes.Conan Exiles version 1.49 fixed additional instances in which players could obtain infinite stamina.Fixed an issue that would allow getting outside the playable area in some dungeons.Fixed crash related to VoIP communication.Fixed a number of crashes that happen during the loading screen.Conan Exiles 1.49 fixed a crash regarding the particle and skinning system.Inventory system back-end have been optimized – this should lead to a better experience when loading in inventories.New DLC pack available: The Debaucheries of Derketo.New dungeon: The Wine Cellar! Discover the new feats, loot and surprises this new dungeon hides inside.New DLC pack available: Debaucheries of Derketo.Added a new dungeon full of new loot and surprises: The Wine Cellar.